Achtung Banditen #36 on Radio Bandito
On Sunday I had a great time spinning some favourite songs and chatting with my friend Dario Adamic for his program on Radio Bandito! The theme of the episode was modes of transportation, and Dario’s set featured bands and songs featuring various modes of transit. Looking back over your music and creative career can be a daunting thing, but it also made me remember how lucky I am to have had so many wild adventures playing in bands and releasing records over the years. Also of note: the music that really inspired you in the beginning of your journey has much more staying power than you might think.
Here’s a list of songs I played, and you can hear the whole show by visiting the archive here: https://www.radiobandito.it/podcast/achtung-banditen-36/
Fugazi – Public Witness Program
False Prophets – Somebody React
Rudimentary Peni – Nothing But a Nightmare
Zounds – Demystification
New Model Army – No Rest
Killing Joke – The Wait
The Chameleons – In Shreds
Totenwald – Black Drops
Fixed Lens – Swept Out to Sea
#radiobandito #fugazi #falseprophets #rudimentarypeni #zounds #newmodelarmy #killingjoke #thechameleons#totenwald #fixedlens #postpunk #berlin
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